How can inmates purchase books/publications for themselves? It's nearly allcorrespondence which is NOT legal or privileged correspondence. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Keystone State. Smart Communications cannot process any materials that are bound or open like a book, and all materials they receive which are bound will be rejected. I attended Benjamin Franklin High. Numbers will only be issued to attorneys who represent inmates or to verified Court/Court Entities. It services many Pennsylvania state agencies, non-profit agencies and Pennsylvania subsidized agencies. Where can I get more information about Smart Communications? Smart Communications: Corrections, Simplified. The State Correctional Institution at Fayette opened as the Commonwealths 26th correctional facility in August2003. SCI-Cambridge Springs was accredited by the American Correctional Association in 2002 and has successfully achieved reaccreditation every 3 years since that time. Number of Acres Inside Perimeter: 35.042Number of Acres Outside Perimeter: 4,268.88Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 103Number of Housing Units: 14Housing units consist of both cells and dormitory-style housing.Special Features: Secure Residential Treatment Unit, Inmate Population: Information you can learn includes: The best way to contact an inmate. What happens to my photographs when they arrive at Smart Communications? If more than 25 photos are contained within one mailing, they will be confiscated. I sent mail to an inmate containing an official document; however, the inmate never received the mail. PO Box 33028. The General Assembly changed its mind and the legislation was passed in 1915 to provide the new institution be a maximum-security prison designed to take the place of both Eastern and Western Penitentiaries. Smart Communications has created a completely new universe of inmate communication in one platform. SCI Benner Township is equipped with a 19 bed infirmary that provides sub-acute hospital care with daily physicians rounds. ( It is highly suspect that a company could be found and a plan could be implemented in six days; so, was this already planned? The renewal of this Smart Communications contract is in September, and Food Not Bombs Solidarity, along with incarcerated member Jerome Coffey, plans another demonstration to expose and protest the privatization schemes of the Prison Profiteers. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. The DOC issues Control Numbers to Attorneys who represent a DOC inmate as well as court and select non-attorney/court entities. Why is the address for photographs from outside vendors different from photographs sent from a home address? Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. All official documents must be mailed using this format: Business Office Inmate Name/Inmate Number Address Line 1 City, State Zip Code, Smart Communications/ PADOCInmate Name, Inmate NumberP.O. It extracts any human emotion (like getting a real drawing from your child instead of a copy) from the daily lives of the incarcerated. If a photo book contains at least one prohibited photo, the entire photo book will be denied. 551 talking about this. Electronic communications, education, and entertainment delivered through our kiosk or tablet platform. Struggle is the very essence of a revolutionary party, Support workers struggles, big and small, to build solidarity. Any other forms of general incoming correspondence, like letters, pictures, greeting cards, children's drawings etc., that are included with an official document sent to Smart Communications will be forwarded along with the official document to Central office and then to the coordinating SCI's Business office. Yes, all photo copies of official documents are also held in the business office. Family and friends may only purchase and send publications directly through an original source vendor, which includes publishers, bookstores and online distributors. All general incoming correspondence needs to be sent to the DOC's third party mail vendor Smart Communications at the address below: Smart Communications/PA DOCInmate Name/Inmate NumberInstitutionPO Box 33028St Petersburg, Florida 33733. Smart Communications processes the mail within 24 hours of its reception at their processing center in St. Petersburg, Florida. DO NOT GO STRAIGHT, because that is SCI Rockview. The DOC accepts photo books. A separate secondary authentication number will be emailed to each Attorney Control Number holder each week. Who do I contact if a photo book I ordered was never received by the inmate? . Verbatim copying and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved. Inmates that complete the Barber Shop Program, receive a license. DOC considers legal mail (otherwise known as Privileged Correspondence) to be any mailing containing a DOC issued Attorney Control Number as well as a secondary authentication number (valid for one week) on the outside of the envelope, or any mail from a court entity containing a Court Control Number. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: ChristianGarman, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management:Kenneth Shea, Superintendent's Assistant: Lisa Hollibaugh. (certifications available), Therapeutic Community (Window of Hope and Opportunity). You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The DOC requires all photo books come directly from an original source/ third party vendor. What happens if my photographs are denied because of content? Workshop topics include Stay on Track, Parenting, Healthy Living, Relationships, Mental Health, Living under Parole Supervision, Employment & Vocational Opportunities, Resume Writing, Money Smarts and Victim Awareness. concerns can best be addressed by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC). How do I obtain the secondary Authentication Number? or PIN Debit account, please create an account at or contact our customer care center If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility. SCI Fayette was accredited by the American Correctional Association in 2006 and has successfully achieved reaccreditation every three years since that time. Keystone State. Visit our SPC Tracking Siteto track packages sent through the DOC Security Processing Center. All photos must comply with the DOCs content criteria, and John Smith/ AB1234PO Box 33028St. Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. Social Media Abuse:, Vocational Education: Optical, Braille, Custodial Maintenance, Cosmetology, Monthly Custodial Work at the National Guard Stryker Base in Cambridge Springs. Reentry Services Programs: Inmates are encouraged to participate in Reentry Services prior to release from the facility. Full return address of the court/ court entity, c. Court Control Number associated with the court/entity address, There is no secondary authentication number/time code associated with Court Control Numbers, *UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD THE ATTORNEY CONTROL NUMBER, COURT CONTROL NUMBER, OTHER CONTROL NUMBER AND/OR SECONDARY AUTHENTICATION NUMBER APPEAR ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE OUTSIDE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE.*. SCI Cambridge Springs, a minimum-security female facility, opened in March 1992 and was formerly a college known as Polish National Alliance. Box 33028 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Black/New Afrikan Liberation Support Group Email: register As a leader in business communication services, with locations placed across the country, Smart Choice Communications is proud to announce its third location in St. Petersburg - located near bustling Tampa, Fl. SmartEvo Inmate Phone System Ultra-reliable, industry-leading inmate telephone technology with 100% commissions MailGuard Postal Mail Elimination Eliminate contraband, generate and retain investigative intelligence, and add safety at no cost Corrections, Simplified. connects family and friends with inmates, prisoners, and detainees in correctional institutions through an easy-to-use online communications system. J block, consisting of 13 cells, houses inmates involved in the Behavior Management Unit program. The mail will then be printed and delivered to the inmate by the facility mailroom. Social Media Abuse:, Ages 18 to 29=530 Ages 30 to 39 =633 Ages 40 to 49 =432 and 50 and above =429, Inmates Enrolled in Academic Education: 160, Inmates Enrolled in Vocational Education: 81, Average Daily Housing Cost Per Inmate: $96.54, Adult Basic Education/General Education Development, Post-Secondary Education/Correspondence Classes. Keystone State. In March 2018, the company pitched a proposal for their Mailguard system to the Virginia DOC. This certification allows them to practice Opticianry in the United States. The classification process is different for every inmate and can take up to 4 months to complete. And on Sept. 4, 2018, in a no-bid, 3-year contract, the PA DOC executed an emergency agreement with Smart Communications to scan and process prisoners' postal mail for $15.8 million. Under Governor Gifford Pinchot, in the 1920's, the plans were changed to provide that Rockview would become a medium-security institution operated as a branch, or farm, prison by the Western Penitentiary. The old institution hospital building has been renovated into an execution complex complete with the equipment necessary for lethal injection, rooms to accommodate various department and institution staff,newsmedia witnesses, victims witness and other authorized individuals. The prison administrations solution is to implement yet more and more retaliations and punishments. Please provide the following information in your email: The DOC requires all publications be sent directly to the DOC's Security Processing Center (SPC), at this mailing address: Inmate name, Inmate #268 Bricker RoadBellefonte, PA 16823-1667. Plus, it is well-known that guards are the major source of drugs in prisons. DOC security staff will conduct thorough security screenings of all incoming publications. Subscribers should have received a printed paper since September 2021. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: Mike Rowe, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management:Scott Woodring. Yes, photo collages in photo books are accepted. Yes. Smart Communications PA DOC P O Box 33028 St Petersburg FL 33733 USA Hello I am a 50 year old male 5'9 190lbs from Philadelphia Pa. You must address a letter to an inmate like this: Smart Communications/PA DOC. The expense was not to exceed $1,250,000, and $300,000 was provided for planning purposes. Upon arriving at Smart Communications the mail containing photographs will be opened and scanned into an electronic document. All general incoming correspondence needs to be sent to the DOCs third party mail vendor Smart Communications. It looks like you have a question about mail being sent to an inmate housed by the PA DOC. At the facility, each photo book will be inspected to ensure the photos comply with DOC policy specifically, photographs containing obscenity, explicit sexual material or nudity, as outlined in the policy, are prohibited. Correctional Industries: The CI License Plate Factory produces aluminum license plates and special organizational plates for PennDOT. If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility to friend or family member. Any hard-cover photo books will be denied by the facility mailroom. The Community Work Program provides crews to assist with, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Social Media Abuse:, Vocational Education: HVAC, Barber School, Business Education, Electricity/Residential Wiring, Masonry, Pre-Vocational Skills Class, Money Smart, Act 143 Victim Awareness. Petersburg, Florida Area Smart Communications is the world leader in innovative technologies for the. Prior to World War I, Warden John Francies' exposure of the overcrowded conditions and the unhealthy environment at Western Penitentiary led to legislation for the development of a rural penitentiary. It is sent to inmates' location six days per week. Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. Please enable scripts and reload this page. We have continued publishing articles on, along with a weekly PDF of what would have been the printed version. A photo book is a customizable publication, ordered and delivered through an original/ third party vendor, which contains personal photos. Petersburg, FL 33733, Security Processing CenterInmate Name, Inmate Number268 Bricker RoadBellefonte, PA 16823-1667. Unsubscribe at any time. You should reach out to the DOC mail procedures resource email Elliott Eberhardt #GN6113 Smart Communications/PA DOC/SCI Phoenix PO Box 33028, St. Petersburg, FL 33733 All general incoming correspondence sent to Smart Communications will be printed on 8 by 11 paper. Are there limitations as to what books an inmate can order? The facility has 633 full-time employees. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: William Nicklow, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management:Randy Evans, Deputy Superintendent for Diagnostic Center: Lindsy Kendall, Superintendent's Assistant: Deb Alvord and Tonya Heist. It must also contain JL-6615/SCI Mahanoy, Smart Communications/PA DOC,P.O. FROM HARRISBURG: Take Route 22/322 west to Lewistown. These books will be processed through the SPC. Bellefonte, PA 16823 (814) 355-4874 Facility Mailing Address: Box A 1 Rockview Place Bellefonte, PA 16823 Inmate Letters Address: Smart Communications/PADOC. Smart Communications/PADOC Inmate Name, Inmate Number C/o SCI "XYZ" PO Box 33028 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 If you hire an attorney (might we recommend Kenny, Burns & McGill? The DOC experiences a lot of issues with the way outside photo vendors print their address labels. The DOC accepts both hard and soft cover books; however, the SPC may remove the cover of a hard cover book for search purposes. An unacceptable correspondence form will be issued to the inmate and a copy of the Notice of Unacceptable Correspondence form will be sent to the Security Office at the Facility and the sender of the correspondence. SCI Smithfield houses approximately 180 Inmates on a permanent basis. Original photographs should not be sent to Smart Communications or any State Correctional Institution. On Aug. 29, 2018, Pennsylvania Corrections Secretary John Wetzel ordered a lockdown of all state facilities after correctional officials allegedly got sick from substances in incoming mail. Original Transactional Documentation are documents in which the inmate needs to sign and return the original to the sender (i.e. A control number will be issued upon request bycompleting the online Control Number Request Form. All publications need to be sent to the DOCs Security Processing Center. On November 29, 1990, Governor Robert P. Casey signed into law Senate Bill 637 that replaced the electric chair with lethal injection as the state's method of executingconvicted killers. You will come to a "Y" where Route 150 (Benner Pike) branches off from Route 26. Smart Communications maintains electronic copies for 45 days. It didnt matter that this highly suspect story was disproven by many. It is desirable (that the new prison) be of modern design and so constructed in a rural district, so that the prisoners may be provided with useful employment in tilling the soil or otherwise. Smart Communications is unable to process a mailing that does not have the inmates name and number on it. SCI Somerset, Post Office Box 33028. A reasonable effort will then be made by the DOC mailrooms to ensure that incoming inmate mail is delivered to the inmate within 48 hours from the time the mail was made available to them from Smart Communications. mail or provide tracking or delivery information. Family members may not order religious items for inmates. Who can I reach out to? I accidentally sent publications to the Smart Communications address, not the SPC address, what will happen to my publications? Social Media Abuse: Yes, please scroll down to the photo book portion of this webpage for more information about the DOC's photo books policies and procedures. Publications sent to the Smart Communications will be returned to the sender. Smart Communications/PA DOC Burton, Fred "Muhammad" AF 3896. FROM HARRISBURG: Take Route 22/322 west to Lewistown. All general incoming correspondence and photographs will be destroyed after the 45-day retention unless otherwise instructed by DOC. The original design capacity of SCI Smithfield was originally for 492 inmates (A-G Blocks, RHU, and Medical cells). We recommend that subscribers with internet access get our free email subscription and share our articles with your contacts and on social media. The DOC recommends using the following address formatfor photos that are ordered from an outside vendor: Inmate Name, Inmate NumberPO Box 33028St Petersburg, Florida 33733. At the institution, each photo book will be inspected by the mailroom to ensure the photos comply with DOC policy. Original Transactional Documentation must be mailed to the attention of the facility Business Office at the institution where the inmate is housed and must identify the inmate by name and number. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. It must also contain the full and correct inmate name and inmate number on the envelope. No. What happens to my mail containing an official document when it's mailed directly to the institution? At the end of this 45 day period the photos will be securely destroyed. Are photo collages in photo books accepted? Smart Communications/PA DOC - Fred Burton AF 3896 SCI Somerset P.O. All books and magazines must be addressed to the SPC at the above address. When you mail a photo copy of an official document to Smart Communications they will scan the mail into their electronic system. DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manualare prohibited. The existing buildings were built in the 1930s and 1940s; however, construction of new housing units and renovations have since been completed. Current Population Report, Total Number of Full-Time Employees: 690 (including CI). Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. Photo vendors do this because they have a character restraint for their address label; however, they fail to notify the buyer of this character restraint. Why are official documents given to the business office? Inmate Population: If you are a friend or family member of an inmate and are looking for assistance with setting up a telephone Prepaid Collect Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Workers World suspended printing and mailing of the newspaper in March 2020. These products are sold to agencies such as the Department of Corrections, Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania Game Commission and other state agencies. Specialized programming is provided for the Special Needs Unit and for men in the age range of 40-50 years of age. Please provide the following information in your email: I have more questions about sending Official Documents to an inmate. All photographs need to be sent to the DOC's third party mail vendor Smart Communications. Instead, the business office at each institution holds all inmate's official documents on file for them. I accidentally sent photographs to the Security Processing Center address, not the Smart Communications address, what will happen to my photographs? It must also contain the I lived in N.J. for 5 years. SCI Camp Hill Superintendent: Michael Gourley Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: William Nicklow Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management: Randy Evans Deputy Superintendent for Diagnostic Center : Lindsy Kendall Business Manager: Robert Gimble Superintendent's Assistant: Deb Alvord and Tonya Heist The authentication number provided is valid only for the following week. An inmate can order any book; however, it is still subject to content review by the Incoming Publication Review Committee, and content may not violate DC-ADM 803, "Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications.". He is always available and willing to answer your questions, provide advice, or just be a shoulder to lean on. The official document will be transferred to the business office by the SCI mailroom staff and all other correspondence included in the mailing will be confiscated. Smart Choice Communications is a technology company based out of New York City with a unique portfolio of solutions including UCAAS, collaboration, software and analytics, dedicated contact centers, security, infrastructure, and managed connectivity. The deputy warden building was completed in December 1914, and the first execution took place on February 23, 1915. Please provide the following information in your email: *The DOC is unable to verify a missing publication claim without a tracking number from the mail carrier who delivered the book. P.O. After publications clear the SPC, they will be sent to the mailroom at the prison where the inmate is located. All housing units (except for I Block, as it was built with both single and double bunks) were originally constructed as single-cell housing units; however, additional beds were added over the years to all units thus increasing capacity. It leaves feelings of simmering rage and despair. Smart communications will receive the mail, scan all mail (including letters, greeting cards, photos and news clippings) and forward the electronic mail to the SCI where the inmate is located. Yet based on these fabricated accounts, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections contacted Jon Logan, owner and CEO of Smart Communications Holding, Inc. And on Sept. 4, 2018, in a no-bid, 3-year contract, the PA DOC executed an emergency agreement with Smart Communications to scan and process prisoners postal mail for $15.8 million. Official documents sent directly to the institution will be transferred to the business office and held on file for the inmate. Social Media Abuse: The electronic document will then be made available to the facility mailroom for printing. You should reach out to the DOC mail procedures resource email In January 2021, SCI Smithfield became a reception facility as a mitigation effortto thwart the spread of COVID-19 within the PA Department of Corrections. In this situation the official document will be transferred to the business office by the SCI mailroom staff and all other correspondence included in the mailing will be destroyed. Individuals interested in purchasing a photo book for an inmate can use their favorite search engine to find a company who offers soft-cover photo books with a maximum of 25 pages and a size not to exceed 8x11 inches. The way outside photo vendors print their address labels each institution holds all inmate 's official on. And detainees in Correctional institutions through an original/ third party vendor ' six! Which the inmate never received by the American Correctional Association in 2006 and successfully!, which contains personal photos Opportunity ) St. petersburg, Florida Blocks, RHU, and delivered. 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