Use this opportunity to ask questions to learn about Greek life, ask questions about the chapters and members. Depending on the above answer, ask what they're watching, or what they've seen lately. And thats ok, just take it all in and really listen to the message theyre trying to convey. You can register at All the PNMs will gather and be assigned their PNM number and then break off into their Rho Gamma group to go over basic information. This round is more serious and a ceremony. If so, how involved is your chapter with Dance Marathon? Do: Get Lots of Sleep. So be sure you are doing what is best for you and not others. However, you could meet only one. I am going to go to the bathroom. You do not want to appear unsocial in the corner on your phone. You will be matched with a sorority through a mutual selection process - you are narrowing down the chapters that you are most interested in and the chapters are narrowing down the women about whom they are most interested in getting to know more. Waiting is nerve-wracking, but once its time everyone will open their bids and run to their chapter. Well discuss this in more detail throughout the post, but essentially, Preference Round is the most formal out of all days of recruitment. It is a YES (the best score they can give) or NO (the worst score they can give) vote. I prefer tea over coffee. After days of going through recruitment, youve finally made it to Preference Round! When this happens you need to be prepared with your own set of questions to ask in order to (1) keep the conversation flowing and (2) let the sister know that you are seriously interested in their sisterhood. In Invisible Influence by Jonah Berger, he explains why we are drawn to similar people through the following situation. A UCLA Sorority Recruitment Rundown. So, before sitting down to an interview with the members, you should talk to other members and ask them what things are like in that specific sorority. Try not to talk about boys, partying, religion, politics, other sororities, or anything controversial or negative . The sorority organizes skits in which sorority sisters choose a theme and perform accordingly. If they know how you feel, they can give you the correct score. How does the chapters philanthropy work? Then you are evaluated based on your: You might not know that senior members are observing you during the sorority events like parties, skits, intramural sports, talking sessions, and more. depending on how many rounds you have the experience could go a bunch of ways. Preference Day is the most serious day. How do you see your sisterhood influencing your life after college? This is the first and most informal round during which you can learn about the sororities in your college. What keeps you committed to your sorority chapter? Is there any advice you could give me while going through. There are three groups: Group one: Two individuals wearing all black. What is Open House? You assume if they are dressed like me, we most likely have other things in common too. All of this is in effort to persuade you to join her sorority, so you can gain the same support system she has. This decision is incredibly important. . Of course, dont wear sunglasses to Pref Night, but you can totally wear those open toed booties (maybe not in white though) or pair with neutral colored wedges for a flirty look. This round is more serious and a ceremony. Orientation occurs before recruitment starts. A blog dedicated to helping college-aged women navigate college, sorority life, and post-college life. 2. How else do they contribute to the community? For this option, the order MATTERS. I mean think about it: if you asked someone, do you have anymore questions? and they said, no. Wouldnt that turn you off? Although most seniors give speeches, you can prepare for one too and tell everyone why you want to join the sorority and which house member you wanted to become and why. What are some ways your sorority interacts with the Greek community on campus? Your conversations are structured differently. The interviewer might only ask you go-to questions and then observe your body language and eye contact. Usually, you will find high achievers in these societies. This invitational consists of a maximum of visits with two chapters. Do their events appeal to you personally. College societies serve different purposes. Will you be automatically cut? Joining a sorority is optional, but it might help you: If you wish to join a sorority, you must go through the recruitment process, which is divided into three parts: Open house or house tours, philanthropy, and preference. Why is it Important to Ask Sorority Sisters Questions? There are always sorority women around to help you and to answer your queries. As you might know, in . Ask about leadership opportunities in the chapter and what they are involved in on campus. The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. 1. Basic jewelry is awesome, but dont overdo it. Situation #1. Try not to talk about boys, partying, religion, politics, other sororities, or anything controversial or negative. How did you overcome it? At the end of the day, it is your choice regarding who you list on your MRABA. So during these round(s), focus on questions regarding each sororitys philanthropy and what events they put on to support their philanthropic partner(s). What was the best book you read this summer? Don't: Worry About About Being Overdressed. You lay your heart on the table and share what you love about the sorority. Judges Katy Perry, Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie were brought to tears during Sunday night's episode of "American Idol" when a contestant revealed they were a survivor of the 2018 Santa Fe High . After the Ritual proportion of Pref Night, youll continue your conversation with the Sorority Sister youve been paired with until its time to leave. This round will be more emotional and intense than the previous ones and should be where you start to get a feel for where you belong. The sororities will also start to ask you more formal questions as they want to make sure you would fit in at their chapter. Absolutely! What has she gotten out of the sorority? It depends on how the sorority sets up Pref. What is your favorite comfort food? . During the Third Invitational, or Preference round, you will make your final decision as to which chapter you want to join. 7 Things To Do With Your Parents In Los Angeles, The Ultimate List Of The Best Reviewed Acne Products, I Was About 8 Years Old When I Cut Off Part Of My Thumb, 5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Rush Week, The Most Adorable Sorority Paddles You Should Make For Your Big, 10 Tips Sorority Girls Want You To Be Aware Of Before Rush, 10 Things to Know if Youre Rushing a Sorority from a Sorority Girl, 10 Things Youll Only Understand If Youre In A Sorority, Conversations will be deeper and more emotional than any other round. Each round will be 35 minutes long. And its also the longest round of recruitment that will be broken up, in general, into 3 parts: On Pref Night, youll most likely talk to one Sister from the chapter you have already conversed with during another round of recruitment. HOW DO YOU DRESS SIMILARLY TO THE MEMBERS? From what to wear, what to say, how to pick the sorority that will be at the top of your list, and moreyoull be able to leave this post with all your questions answered, and hopefully, your fears minimized. Preference Night is the most intimate night of sorority recruitment. Sorority recruitment is like a job interview, but way more casual, upbeat, and of course, louder. Not everyone on campus is eligible to join a sorority. Since you have already visited some sorority houses, you will have more time to talk to the sisters. I also highly recommend following and engaging the event organizer on social media prior to submitting a speaker proposal. Good luck! With a suicide vote, you HAVE to be in the top 60. Many describe it as "the day where we show you why you want us", as compared to the first two days where they want to get to know you. That will help you filter out sincere members for the sororitys philanthropy round. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable! If for some reason by Preference Night you ended up not liking any of the sororities you were invited back to OR you feel that at this moment sorority life isnt for you, then you can list NO ONE on your MRABA. However, if you single preference vote Sorority A and get released from recruitment on Bid Day you still have the opportunity to receive Snap Bid or participate in COB. What makes your chapter different from the others on campus? Do bring a pair of flip-flops to leave in your purse and change into during passing periods. How much time do sisters dedicate to the sorority per week? Many of these websites give FACTUAL information. What is one piece of advice you would give a PNM who is looking to join your sorority? Everything you need to know about the final day of sorority recruitment: Pref Night. Senior members of a sorority teach new members and give them academic guidance. After, you will talk just like you did for the other rounds with one girl. Group two: Two individuals dressed in hiking gear. Then, another sorority sister will take the rush chair and give a humorous speech, followed by an activity. To get a bid to a sorority you love, you have to communicate that you are the right fit for the sorority. Round 2 activities vary by school sometimes it will include a craft, a philanthropy presentation, or a skit but typically it will involve a tour of each house. They all want to join Tri Alpha. Here are a few questions you could ask during party rounds.. 1) How does your chapter support your philanthropy? 8. Your outfits do not play a major role in your score during sorority recruitment. And of course nothing is 100% guaranteed until you receive the phone call in the morning from your Recruitment Counselor telling you that you have received a bid. What is the best way to meet and make friends in your chapter? What is a Sorority Recruitment Process in Sorority Life? Please read our Disclaimer Policy for more information about the use of affiliate links on this site. Since first-year students are more energetic, senior sisters try to direct each potential new member toward joining the most relevant sorority. Your confidence will radiate. Be sure to keep an open mind during Recruitment - you are interviewing the women in the chapters and they are interviewing you. *This post may contain affiliate links. Did you care how many boxes she was going to bring when moving in? Prior to sorority recruitment, sorority sisters are taught to keep their conversations flowing and focused on the potential new member (PNM) they are talking to. Situation #4. Some examples of questions you may want to ask include: What do they fundraise? Being yourself and authentic to who you are the most important things when it comes to conversation. If this does occur, theres nothing you, as the PNM, did wrong. They are looking to see if the woman has put Tri Alpha in her #1 spot on her voting card. Your conversations will be deeper and you may end up crying (a little bit). And if you need additional pointers about sorority recruitment conversations, check out this post on 9 topics you should avoid during sorority recruitment. Do keep your purse stocked. This round will take place over two days. During this round, you will interact with the chapter members for the first time. This round will last for 2 days and you will have short, basic conversations with many different girls. The Panhellenic members want to see every potential new member join a sorority. For example, on Pref Night you were invited back two sororities, Sorority A and Sorority B, which is the maximum number of houses you can be invited back to on Pref Night. A lot of potential new members obsess over their outfits. Car washes? At Pref, it is the first time you have voting options. The new month will see plenty of new titles, like the debut of the Daisy May Cooper, Jack Farthing, Ronke Adekoluejo, Adrian . But heres the thing, if you dont like both sororities dont list both. I truly hope this guide on Preference Round of sorority recruitment has given you a wholesome idea of what to expect and how to make the most of this final round of recruitment. Can you wear a strapless dress? If you want to style your hair and put on makeup, definitely go for it, but if thats not your thing then dont sweat it. You will also get access to financial information sheets from each chapter detailing their chapter dues and live-in requirements. Plan your outfits. If you could slightly see yourself in your second choice sorority, you want to vote on both of them. The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. These women all receive bids from Delta Nu. How does your chapter bond during vacations? Start thinking about whether or not each chapter would be a good fit for you. 4. You will visit all 19 chapters during Open House. It is possible to get back two sororities you tried to drop. As nervous as you are in finding a home where you belong in, the Chapters are ensuring they are providing a home for PNMs as well. A senior sister will lead you and other potential new members (PNMs) to the houses. The choice of songs, the theme of the skit, the type of humor, and the general vibe will give you an idea ofwhat type of sororitythis is. Sisters only give an opportunity to those interested in joining them. You will be spending 45 minutes with chapters that you have been invited back to. So choose wisely! Each sorority can invite only a certain number of women back to the next stage. However, some sororities are just not the right fit for you no matter how many times you got invited back each round of recruitment. Panhellenic looks at the women in spots #61 to #66. Arguments on . For Pref, the members are not screaming door chants and bursting with excitement. A suicide vote is a dramatic voting style. So, asking questions shows interest, and thats one of the key criteria for joining a sorority. If you just cannot foresee yourself in Sorority B and know its 100% not right for you, dont list it. 1. If you do not tell them how you feel you might get dropped. During open house, you will be able to tell the women from all 19 chapters a little bit more about yourself! From meeting each sorority during House Tours or Sisterhood Round, getting dropped from your #1 pick, to making your last and final decision in Pref Night, its quite the process. This should be a chapter where you can be yourself, grow as a person, and make genuine connections with girls you can trust and have fun with. The sorority you place in the #1 spot is the sorority you want to join. It might be hard to be vulnerable. The member will tell you why she joined the . The potential new members are confused yet determined. They want you to join and be able to find immediate friends. I want to let you in on a secret. If so, which ones? For some women, they will need to contemplate their options heavily while others it will be a quick decision of who to list as their #1 pick. These questions will be broken down by recruitment round, but you can always mix and match questions depending on where the conversation is headed. Did you feel comfortable talking to the women of that sorority? The first task is to accept a bid on the bid day. The conversations are very casual and are used as a first impression. I would immediately drop. Another advantage of your experience is you will get leadership opportunities before the first academic year if you prove yourself a worthy candidate. This round will take place over two days. These women will be the next leaders of the sorority and will hopefully be a good representation of the sorority chapter. Short answer yes, How a suicide vote works during sorority recruitment. Each round will be 35 minutes long. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While they cant explicitly tell you or attempt to persuade you to join a specific sorority they can help you rationally weigh your options by helping you make a pros and cons list or simply talk with you about your options in an unbiased manner. The sororities have already shown you their philanthropy, sisterhood, and what they do for fun and now they want you to get to know them on a deeper level. Dont get too stressed out about recruitment and dont freak out if a chapter cuts you-its not the end of the world. It doesnt mean you did anything wrong or wont get a Bid! You intentionally only vote on one sorority. Each round will be 15 minutes long. You have to be honest with the members. This round is more serious and a ceremony. Tri Alpha invited 80 women to Pref ceremonies. This is key! Bake sales? Wearing a Gucci belt, Golden Goose sneakers, or a Cartier LOVE bracelet will not help you get a bid. Are there any events that your chapter puts on to promote your philanthropic partner? Once you get inside, she says, Everyone here is so nice. Preference Night attire is the most formal, meaning heels/wedges, a dress or nice pants and blouse. If you have made it to Preference Round theres a high chance you will receive a bid to a sorority. You will not be given a Panhellenic t-shirt to wear during this round. The process of recruitment may seem complicated and crazy, but it works and it will get you where you need to be. There will be assigned places for you to leave your belongings before going into rounds and you will need to leave your phone there. During this round, you have to be invited back to the sororities. Yay! I prefer tea to coffee. You should know that sororities are always on the lookout for potential new members. For this round, think brunch or business casual. How can new members get involved with your chapters philanthropy? In other words, it is unfair to discourage you from single preference voting when that may be the best option for you. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? Advice will NOT get you a bid. Powered and secured by Wix. 7. You must not have already been fully initiated into any National Panhellenic Conference Organization. Three adjectives friends would use to describe her or she would use to describe herself to someone new. Plus, you are unable to receive a Snap Bid or go through Informal Sorority Recruitment/COB if you receive a bid to ANY sorority listed on your MRABA. There are no set topics you need to or will be expected to talk about during Preference Round. 2) What is it about Beta's sisterhood that you like the best? If you want to join a sorority in your college, you must be prepared for the interview. Tell the sorority members how happy you are to be invited back. You see posters and banners displaying sorority life,rush week, and upcoming events. Talk to your Rho Gammas about any questions or concerns or if youre having doubts. The recruitment round begins during rush week. 3. Don't: Just Make Small Talk. Panhellenic determines quota. When you vote on both sororities, you are guaranteed a bid to one of the sororities. Recruitment is busy and exhausting so make sure you eat enough, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. What is the funnest thing that has happened to you while being in a sorority? Preference Round, or Pref Night, is the final day of sorority recruitment and it is the night that will determine the sorority you will (or will not) be running home to on Bid Day. Listen to what she has to say, as she is revealing to you the strongest characteristics and foundations of her sorority. At the end of the day, this is your sorority experience, not theirs. What made you want to go through recruitment? Whats your favorite Sisterhood event your chapter has done or is planning on doing this semester? What are some unique Sisterhood events your chapter puts on? When you open up about your life, the member notices you have a lot in common. This is especially true if you and this Sorority Sister had a great conversation previously. Sorority recruitment, as a PNM, is an experience you will never forget. You are more than welcome to wear a strapless dress or a one-shoulder dress/top. A similar male version of this society is known as a fraternity, run by male students. sorority chapters philanthropic mission or focus, you to choose their chapter over all the others, How To Cope With Being Cut From Sorority Recruitment, Rushing As A Sophomore: What You Need To Know, Sorority Recruitment 101: A Guide To Bids and Bid Day, Should I Join A Sorority If Im Shy? What is the availability of housing? Don't Sell Your Product. You will find them at these events and where you can just walk up to somebody and start asking them questions. When picking out your outfits, your goal is to dress similarly to the members. You receive a bid! More than what they offer their members, what can they give you personally? 3. Look for events anywhere from 4-6 months out and put the day the speaker proposals open on your calendar so you can apply early. Before this event begins, you will receive your schedule on the PMN Companion app that will have the time of each event. They will certainly help you by giving advice or directing you to a more relevant senior or a sorority big (one-year senior). Take this opportunity to find out more information about the activities, programs, and members of the chapter, and expect to learn about each chapter's unique sisterhood. Black shirt, black pants, black hat, and black shoes. During this round, you will interact with the chapter members to learn about each chapter's philanthropy. During this Open House, you will be given a Panhellenic provided t-shirt to wear during this round to wear with any type of bottoms you prefer. Name of the woman with the BEST score at Tri Alpha, #2. So be proud of yourself about how far you have come and rejoice knowing that Bid Day, the best day ever, is only a few hours away! Pref is special because you will visit a maximum of 2 chapters and they will show you part of their ritual, which is secret and very important to the chapter. You should also avoid certain topics during rounds. During Open House, you will go around with your Rho Gamma group and visit every chapter. Ask questions that measure their empathy and open-heartedness. 3. This is the first and most informal round during which you can learn about the sororities in your college. 9. Some quick tips: remember to wear a warm coat and send a pic to your Rho Gammas if you are unsure, theyll steer you in the right direction. They want the best for you and every other potential new member. What makes your sisterhood so special to you? Preference round, the final round before bid day, is more formal. Example. Find out about all your options HERE. While during this round, the sorority sister should be doing most of the talking and trying to convince you to choose their chapter over all the others, be prepared to ask some deeper, more personal questions if needed. PHILANTHROPY ROUND (Day 2 of Recruitment) What to expect: This is the second round of recruitment. This article will help explain exactly what to expect, and hopefully help you make your decision. Most Important things when it comes to conversation youre having doubts joining the most relevant sorority next time i.... Being in a sorority opportunities in the top 60 experience could go bunch! Hopefully be a good representation of the day, is more formal questions as they want to sure! 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what to talk about during preference round