My guess is that he set the times fully intending to spend time with you but then got scared and backed out. I texted with a Virgo guy over 6 months without any call before. This can happen if there's too much going on in his life or if he's feeling stressed about something. A Virgo woman wants to feel secure in her relationship. He may not feel like everything is okay right away, but at some point, if he knows you are sincere with your apology, then hell work past it and forgive you. A little bit of aerobic exercise every morning wont hurt either. I think youll get your answer. Perhaps you need to know more about Virgo. He just wants his space to figure things out in his own head. Perhaps it would help you to learn more about the Virgo man so that you can try to make more sense of what hes doing or why. I texted him the next day but didnt hear from him until that night saying he slept all day because of being up all night with his kid.the following day i sent his a good morning text and realized he didnt responded at all. i had a friendship with one and he is married and lives abroad. He's just not that attracted to you Although you may have really liked him and felt the chemistry, it is possible he didn't feel the same way and you misread or overlooked signals. This was fine, as even if we did not live 200 miles apart, the very nature of his job means he would have to live away from home during the week anyway. Can I come over?. This guy I thought would never ever give me a chance to talk to me but he did want to talk to me and we are just head over heels for each other you had good conversations but he isnt that open but he does answer when he can and hes the most romantic and explains how hell be romantic and has gave me romance stories of imagination in detail he tells me he loves me all the time. Twice I have said a few things that upset him and it really wasnt about him it kind of was because as I am a Scorpio who started feeling just a bit jealousy because there was never any conversation about any other woman just things I was reading online and got to my mind and I did not want to question him so it make me look like I was possessive so I guess the things that I wrote to him was kind of making him feel like it was his fault and Ive been reading the last couple weeks about the astrology and the characteristics of a Virgo and for myself and Ive been learning a whole lot. He may reply and he may not, but regardless he got the message. In order to patch that one up, you need to give him a few weeks of alone time, and then sincerely apologize. When this happens, expect to see some action. He probes your emotional intelligence. There is a loss there and it needs to be fixed. I told him right away and he wanted out. Another reason a Virgo man may go silent is that he's feeling overwhelmed. The "Cave" Method This is all about giving the Virgo man in your life some space. Jan 9, 2018. He'll want to see how empathic you are. I think that he needs to deal with whatever it is he has going on. Here are 10 real signs the Virgo woman is not interested in your anymore and wants to part ways with you: 1. Things were starting to go real well and then a month ago we had a huge blow out fight. Try to apologize to him for the way it came out and explain what you meant. i moved on with hurtful regret and i did apologize many times and to no avail, no response back. After being apart for so long now, I can move on, but I would have been happier if Mr Virgo and I could have sorted out what this was all about instead, as I did have feelings for him and I know he had for me also. I dont think you did anything wrong sweetheart. As much as you want your Cancer man to be honest with you, then be real to him. I know a virgo man for four months. It sounds like something about that situation really turned him off and now he doesnt know if he wants to still pursue things with you. But also bear in mind that a Virgo man needs a lot of space and alone time. Virgo men are unpredictable sweetheart. That being said, you may make mention next time you see him Even if you only send me a hello text or respond to one of my texts, Id be thrilled. If this happens, its almost like a lightning bolt has just struck the relationship, and you both need time to recover. I am crazy about him. It will stop responding to your SMS and texts or respond very late. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hi I have a crush on a virgo named Nick Mercado he ignored me in person and text but I have my instincts that he likes me. He wanted to meet me so we had dinner and talked. Even if he likes you, there may be a very valid reason that he isnt trying to get with you. I think he needs time. If you wonder "Why is my Virgo man suddenly ignoring me?" try to slow down. Im an Aquarius woman. I have determined there are common reasons why men may crawl into their dark, silent cave after one date. Even if your comment wasnt something you meant, it planted a seed of doubt in his mind. Get your facts and have a plan in mind so that you don't do anything . This Virgo guy is driving me insane.. Ask him flat out if there is still a chance for you two to work it out or not. The problem for Scorpio though is that on most Virgos mind games simply don't and won't work. Virgos sometimes run into trouble by rationalizing their emotions. After he answered with his normal job and the crowd of people laughed. Upset that he lied I havent tried to reach out again and Im kinda hurt that he lied about seeing my messages. Nothing in between. 5 Shocking Things Every Virgo Man Wants 1. But you know deep down in your gut that this just isnt true, If only there was something you could do to repair the relationship to its former glory, You would do anything in the world to have your Virgo man look at you the way he once did. Texts me things like he wants to see me, but never responds when I text him ok, Im free. weve gone on holiday together and before we went on holiday things were good really consistent and the holiday was good and after the holiday we made it clear to eachother we were exclusive. How does a Virgo man feel when ignored? It took me a month to not be upset anymore, now Im at home been crying. A Virgo man will go distant and start ignoring you for a while, this is at least until he has sorted out through his emotions and can think about them rationally again. I would message him and ask him what his deal is. Well, there you have it the best ways to respond when a Virgo man ignores you. Don't get me wrong, like they can put effort when courting you but I feel like they start to get cocky when you express your interest in them and stop putting in work. I have tried to reach out to him on two occassions recently to ask how he is, and to wish him a happy birthday but did not get a reply. Giving me a one word answer anytime we chat. I will have to hurt him. For more tips, check out my book Virgo Man Secrets. Remember what I told you how difficult it is for him to express his feelings. Im sorry to say it but if he still isnt talking much to you then hes having a hard time getting past that. If he wasnt interested, he would never reply to you again no matter how much you text him. Even if it's not that funny. You should try asking him those questions and see if he answers you. weve still been seeing eachother and still talk to eachother so i dont know if he needs some space or. Today I messaged him good morning but he ignored it. What does it mean when a Virgo man gives you the silent treatment? 2. Ignoring him - the classic (albeit risky) technique to create space and get a guy to respect and appreciate you more. If hes saying he IS interested then believe him. He always thinks he is right. Geminis often tend to be silent admirers, while Cancerians are guaranteed to put their point across if they have feeling for someone. If you dont reply, hell think you arent that interested, thus, he will consider it over. There are a variety of reasons that you might ignore a Virgo man: Ignoring him to get his attention. Thank you. In fact some of them despise cell phones even if they have them. I think id break up with him because i cant take it anymore. Virgos are near impossible to manipulate and it catches Scorpios off guard. Ive been seeing a Virgo man since Oct 2021. Which is true btw. The Virgo man often will put up with a lot from the woman he truly loves and is committed to but everyone has their limits. I think that what happened here is a difference in communication. He is Moody and goes Silent. In any case, my friend, why dont he put the things in my face? If hes making it clear that its only a physical thing between you then hes essentially letting you know he doesnt want an actual relationship with you. Libra men are slower because theyre indecisive and want to make sure the person fits into their way of life and future. I know it shouldnt be a great deal but I am so into him I almost feel pathetic. It was also a long distance relationship of about 200 miles apart but seen each other one weekend a month but talked almost daily. She's just not going to trust . You can try to continue a friendship with him and see where it goes but if hes that torn up over it then you may want to keep your own options open. He was criticizing about my business management (I have my own business) and my personal spending and I went crazy. Being with a Virgo man can be a lot of fun! I also had our charts done. I ordered your books and they were very helpful. Give him the space to breathe and forgive you all in his own time. Combine his analytical nature and his quest for the truth, and you get a man who asks you carefully orchestrated . He says he never said that. He is not aware of his ignoring act. Perhaps it will help you wrap your head around what happened, who he is, and what he wants. 7. If you're hanging out with a Virgo man you . Thats quite a story with your Virgo man situation. and you know it is over move on, they are insecure people and hard workers and achievement is high for them. Yes, they are also very picky. This will help open up the air ways and you two can decide from there if there is hope or if you should give up. 5 Ways To Respond When A Virgo Man Ignores You 1. It sounds like your guy is either very busy and is just having a hard time juggling everything on his plate OR hes lost interest for some reason. Virgo men often have empathic energy, and they absorb too much of what is going on around them. If its something that you know you shouldnt have done or said, make sure to apologize to him immediately. When he's really into you, a Virgo man will take the time to try to resolve differences . Take care of you. Yes, they can be rather exhausting. He seemed jealous when I mentioned traveling with another guy friend, he told me he wanted me to communicate with him when something was going on in my life. This planet will cause your Virgo man to become quite nervous, neurotic, and anxious at times. They then project their feelings about themselves onto others. After a serious breakup, he'll most likely be out and will drop contact and move on with his life. If he isnt willing to do that then he isnt really interested in what you want. Your email address will not be published. You are interrupting the pattern of your behavior and doing something unexpected. If weeks and months have passed since your last romp, there's a good chance that he's pushing you away. Ive decided to give him time, let him be for now,no chats, no calls. Tell him that both of you were angry but it hurt you a lot. A fear of being rejected by you after the love is declared. Virgo men will go all around the houses to avoid a head-on confrontation. Hell come back to you when everything else in his life calms down! This is what a good man will notice and he just might stop playing this crazy game and want to meet you. He tells me that when were together is when he gets to relax. It might be that your Virgo man is asking for space, feels hurt by something you did, or wants to change the dynamics between the two of you. These men are some of the most desirable in the whole Zodiac. If you think this could be the case, its best just to give him his space your own personal cave method. It was 3 days of spending time with him at his house. How long a Virgo man stays mad is up to the individual and the situation itself. When aries men get into a fight with their girlfriend, they often don't know how to deal. Thank you so much for your time, I appreciate it. I have been seeing a virgo guy casually for 3 months. Virgo men dont always respond to texts either so dont be alarmed. But why is he ignoring me after we agreed our weekend was fun. Well, he hated it for sure. If you need more help though, you can check out my book Virgo Man Secrets. If he is in love with you, he should forgive you, but a part of his heart will always be broken, so hopefully, you never end up in this situation! Wont apologize. I am a Virgo Man dealing with a libra Lady and I hate this relationship and I hate narcissistic people full of drama. We had a baby and we are to far from each otherI just want to be hes friend for are baby.. Communication is key in any relationship, especially with Virgos, who are known for sometimes thinking the worst or dealing with anxiety. If he had a really long day at work, he could just be too tired to be intimate that night. I am not contacting him for nowbut is there any chance he will comeback after taking some time? It's important to figure out the nuances to his silent treatment before jumping to any conclusion. and picky. Recently we hooked up through a friend of mine who was married to his brother unfortunately the guy Im in love with has in 12 years of prison time and is getting ready to get out in January of 2019. I cant understand this Virgo guy born in September 14,1996 same age as me as I was born in April 26,1996. Im not getting everything I want out of him but it has been progressing as I have been patient and flexible. Its likely hes ignoring you simply because hes busy in his cave doing his own thing. He responded that was not the case at all and he has a lot going on right now. Feeling pressured with his current relationships. In order to make things flow reasonably well, go down the middle. Also, Virgo men like women with self-control because it shows they have a good moral system. It was almost four months later, December 2019 and there was talk of the Covid lockdowns ending and we could finally travel outside of our immediate area. If youd like, you can take a look and learn more in my book Virgo Man Secrets. He might have a moon or rising sign that makes him a bit more reluctant to speak out or tell you what he thinks. Virgo natives are intelligent, a little shy, analytical, absolutely organized, perfectionist, systematic, and most . I have to ask all the time. I am a Taurus and he is Virgo. He might be feeling all kinds of emotions like sadness, jealousy, and betrayal. If you made a slight against your Virgo man but didnt mean it, then apologize to him. It could also be that he has a lot going on in his world and since you are not his girlfriend, he doesnt feel compelled to tell you what all he is going through. The reason why a Virgo man is suddenly distant is sometimes caused by a Virgo male being a bit of an introvert when he has things on his mind. So communication is very important to a Virgo man, so when he does go silent it should be very worrying. Required fields are marked *. Ouch Virgo and Capricorn arent always the best for one another. I dont think thats worth the risk. Hes definitely afraid youll be emotionally unstable around him which makes him want to distance himself. Unless, of course, he asks you to stay so you two can talk about it more. Virgo men are a lot of work and maintenance. 1. But I know he did. It's flattering to him without feeling fake, and it makes him feel like your knight in shining armor the way he wants. If he loves the baby or still cares for you then hell come around but if hes trying to cut ties then you may end up staying a single mother until you find someone else that is willing to pick up the slack that he dropped. But we keep texting from time to time. The thing about a Virgo man player is that he can pull off that mysterious aura. Virgo guys are hyper-logical and serious with their relationship decisions. He may not want to hurt your feelings and avoid telling you what it is. they will ignor you till you go away. I need advice That being said, you might try to kick things up a bit by suggesting getting together to spend some time having fun. He no longer talks about his feelings. Lying will get you dismissed. Hey Anna, Ive been seeing this virgo man for 5 months now. Just be patient and let the information come to you. So, if the Virgo man is distant, it will make him less so. There is much more you should learn about Virgo men before trying to go any further with him. Especially the courting phase. It sounds like your Virgo friend thought maybe there was something more between you than there was. I was told hes fine and I told him I tried to reach out to him twice and he said he didnt see anything. If you feel he is being evasive it is important that you don't fall for his way of thinking. They may just need a break from it all. After the date he didnt text me in anyways not even a thanks for the date! It hurts my own heart to know he doesnt want to interact with his baby. Will you chase after him or will you be calm and wait for him to reach out? I respected his wishes and a few weeks ago when he seemed distant I asked if he needed space a couple of times, he told me he was just busy and we left it at that. I keep asking him to do a video call (he obliged just once) and kept making excuses saying he is lazy and laidback. When a Virgo man is hurt, he may distance himself from you, and this is a normal reaction for anyone when they are coming to terms with their feelings. And also asked him if we are not seeing each other anymore or not. There are definitely ways that you can turn all of this around and make your Virgo man putty in your hands. Tha is not because he is Virgo it is because he is an immature pr*ck! Im fine with getting to know him etc. He may be sending you a signal that he wants to slow down, he may be upset, he may even just be busy. Please answer my question, I know everything about my sign, but sometimes I need an answer. They crave for perfection and any woman they date should be perfect for them. I was talking to a virgo guy and we agreeded to meet and we was liming and had some drinks and i acted on my emotions and when in bed with him. 10 signs of a Virgo man player 1. Communication comes to a halt. 1. These men seem like they have a giant ego when actually, theyre quite critical of themselves and can feel insecure about how other people see them. Im not saying its impossible for him to forgive you, but it may take him significant time to get past it. I'm not an expert of Virgo astrology but I do know my mum and when she's quiet she's very, very angry or she's just completely down with. but, i said some things out of anger and he hasnt forgiven me for it. By earlorg16 March 15, 2017 6:49pm 29 replies. Aries are likely to run in the opposite direction if their crush makes a move on them. which of the following statements is true about cooperatives? He responds in his own timing. If you have pressured him in any way then this may definitely be the case. He messaged me the next day and when i replied he never messaged back again and he was online but he didnt read my message. DONT lay it all out over text or give him the ominous we need to talk. This is one phrase that will make him run a million miles away FAST! I try to make sure that I dont pressure him, give him his space, am affectionate, and very respectful as Virgos are very sensitive & very particular signs. Perhaps hell get over it and start talking to you again properly. When a Virgo man is interested in someone, he may seem to laugh at everything they say. You don't know that he's actually intending to ignore you. The thing is, sometimes he needs a bit of personal freedom to keep in perspective who he is and that he is not being controlled. As a Virgo girl, I admit that I get jealous when my boyfriend or the boy I like does things with other guys, but why would he (my friend) be angry? Once relaxed, you can just mention to him that you have noticed that hes gone really quiet, and you would just like to know whats going on. The question was general not personal. He wants both, but he can only be one at a time. All you can do is be you and continue taking care of your child. However, they can be demanding on their partners. But for 2 weeks he is very distant. It may not be right away, but it will happen. Theres a sad truth about Virgos (one they share with Libras), and that is if you dont look good, they will often lose interest. The other day I kinda chased after him outside of work to ask if he was okay? As I told you above, Cancer man is reserved and tends to stay in his own shell. We never defined the relationship but we were pretty close, I know all about his family and future goals etc. They're both earth signs who have a lot in common. When a Virgo man walks away and ignores your messages - When a Virgo man goes silent If he ignores you, you'll see the first signs on his online communication. I met a Virgo man over social media and texted him that I liked his profile he replied the same and asked to further discuss some topics later.. A Virgo man, when hurt, can certainly clam up and turn cold. It just depends on you if you are ready to reach out and grab it! I still havent gotten over my ex Taurus, I still love him, thats why I dont start anything with anyone because he would be lying to me, and nobody knows this, only my parents and brother. He did say he wanted to hold off on dating due to a new job and that there is still a possibility that we can go back to how we were but I think the fight has made it worse. They are also self critical and tend to over analyze everything. Ask him about it If your Virgo man is giving you the silent treatment, the first thing to do is to ask him about it nicely. I never really said too much of anything to him because I thought I was g his type. Hi Cap55! He will be watching your behavior when you say youre sorry to see if youre being truthful or not. And when we were in the talking stage he was texting me non stop. I asked him if I was his Wednesday Girl. It's important to note that this isn't always the case; sometimes, a Virgo man needs some time to himself. Barely talking to me. Having ambition is a great thing. Virgo men are extremely picky. I tried to be strong and make him happy and i cant so i told him everything that is wrong with him. Even if hes nice and flirts with you, hes not going to give you any stability or commitment unless things do end with his current relationship. Please check out my book Virgo Man Secrets. Instead, send him a gentle message like: Hey, I havent seen you in a while, and I would love to catch up. And I the same. The current generation is all about "getting the bag" and "securing the bag.". If so, hell be back in your arms in no time! Hi Anna, I need help. I Started dating a Virgo man. Virgo men are very sensitive and when it comes to physical romance, they need to be content emotionally before they can get into the mood for sex. First it's important to understand what communication means to a Virgo man. I have had a huge crush on my Virgo boss for quite a while now,and I can swear he feels same to,his nicer to me than everybody else,we have great connections,long conversations,and interesting chemistry.such that everyone around us sees this and think we are an item,this went on for months and I couldnt hold back my feelings and decided to let him knowhe didnt say yes that he felt same way,and didnt say no either but has become much more open to me and tell things he might not have told a random friend,I decided to find out if he had a girlfriend and he said yes,but I havent really seen or noticed any unusual excitement cus we spend the day together at the office,his response didnt affect how he treated me,everything seemed same,until few days back he told me she was coming over and he wont be available to me for the weekend,he has been a bit distant for the first so scared and really wish his joking and testing meare there chances of breakup with his gf as they are just 5months together according to himI sincerely find true happiness with him. You probably should have some healing down time both of you before you dive into a relationship after ending it with others. Im pretty sure hes isolating himself because he admitted hes scared because he thinks I have everything together (surprise Im the conductor on the hot mess express) and I always look good. and that is life they fall painfully silent too. You want your other half to also share similar values, interests, and lifestyles. Always be on time. I told him I was really sorry and we talked a little bit, but after that hes quit communicating. Weve had two dates, and one incredible night together. See how you wont reach out to him? I dont know what caused the initial silence for 4 months, and he wont tell either of us why. Unfortunately I missed the call but when we finally did speak I could see he was guarded. I still love my baby father that Virgo man . A Virgo woman is not going to back down when she feels attacked, so you had better watch out for her! If he is connected to you through Instagram and Facebook, thats great! Learn more about the mysterious Virgo man by reading my book Virgo Man Secrets. They are indeed insecure people. He will be thinking about a million things simultaneously, so giving him the space he needs is important so he can sort out his feelings rationally. My thought is that hes probably judging you. Anyway since the fight, neither of us have contacted. Reply, hell think you arent that interested, he will be watching your behavior when you say sorry. Deal is i messaged him good morning but he ignored it his baby to also share similar values interests! Responding to your SMS and texts or respond very late re both earth who... And get a guy to respect and appreciate you more he said he didnt see anything was also a distance... Much for your time, and then sincerely apologize his Wednesday Girl is that he can pull off mysterious! The best for one another so, if the Virgo man Secrets point across if they have.. 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when a virgo man goes silent