Silver said the top reasons she hears for people to be stuck pending include: Her best advice for people stuck in pending is to call customer service and get help from an EDD representative. Knowing that Im not alone going through somehow its telling me that taking my is not worth. Now I will begin to receive my payments on a regular basis. Answering questions incorrectly can delay your payment. Im not letting up on my claim its very legitimate and their responsibility to get things DONE right!! If your claim shows as "allowed" but your weeks are showing as "denied," you will need staff assistance. Respond to Your Request for Identity Verification, eligibility requirements for unemployment, Understanding the Certification Questions. If you received a confirmation number . Laid off from my job on 8-21. Going on 8 weeks without a paymentI have certified through Id.methey have put the money into my online account.but still says pending.5/23 will be 10 weeks..this sucks!! If, after logging into the unemployment portal, your status reads "pending," this could be because the state is taking "time to review and process your application for benefits."If your payments are approved but delayed, do not worry, you will receive back pay for all the weeks you were approved to receive benefits. The problem should get resolved within a week, and all the money due you will then be paid to you retroactive to the day you first filed for unemployment. Since the quarterly in March 2021 they have now decided to move me to regular UI which Im not eligible for and there I still remain. I have been calling the hotline weekly. All I can do at this point is pray. If you receive this form, respond to the questions immediately. She likes to throw digs out because shes getting help left and right knowing im suffering. Be safe & God Bless. It is important that you respond to us even if you no longer have an active claim. It sticks and i thing they need more telemark work so if they are not going to hire in person at least over phone hiring will be better. Today I received an email stating I have a pending issue on my unemployment claim right now because I had to file a completely new initial claim because they apparently owe me money from PUA. Have no internet and disconnects for utilities. And probably dead soon after. How long you can receive unemployment benefits will depend on your work history. But the website were forced to use is broken. But this will vary on a state-by-state basis and could take some time to process. Ive tried everything, written, called and emailed everyone, including legislators. Monitor your UI Online homepage for notifications and review the UI Online Claim Status Tracker for updates and possible next steps. Thank you Indiana Unemployment for.ruining my credit, taking my car, and probably house and letting me starve. He also said he would give me a call back. See the sections below for the main reasons why and where applicable I have tried to offer some possible solutions and related articles with more information. Remember also, to try and schedule calls with a SPECIALIST, not the well meaning but clueless rep who answers the phone. Apparently, the reason for the call was that someone filed a claim back in November of 2020, which was a fraudulent claim. FOR PEOPLE WHO LOST THEIR JOB! No questions or ID me or citizenship. Dozens of people have told ABC10's Dollars and Sense team that they have been "stuck in pending" for weeks, or even months, unable to get their money. Ive also been waiting If you are presently unemployed, file a claim, and a determination will be made concerning your eligibility. That never happened and I never received any of my PEUC payments prior to the program ending. Rent is late & utility shut off notices are coming. If you received a confirmation number, rest assured your claim is in process, and you will receive the full amount to which you are entitled. Michigan residents out of work can receive. If this happens and none of other reasons discussed in this article apply it is likely due to you not showing or submitting evidence of your work searches. You must report the number of days you were too sick or injured to work this week. Im gonna try it ur way. I cant call. LOST ME HOME OF 53 YEARS & MY CAR. I have sent my ID and social more than 7 times to clear up any issues but STILL having issues of moving forward. If you dont meet job search requirements, which you normally need to validate when you certify for continuing benefits, your claim could be suspended until you provide the required information. Check UI Online for your current payment status. If you do not receive a call from the EDD at your scheduled appointment time, we may have canceled your appointment because we confirmed your eligibility or resolved the issue before your interview. As of this past Sunday I have certified my 5th week and still nothing. I am going on 9 weeks pay held in Ohio. GOVERNMENT APPROVED!!! Have you had any updates on yours? Ive applied for all the assistance programs i can, Im currently sitting with no power in my home, received an eviction notice last week and for whatever reason ALSO didnt receive my child tax payment this month. Top Reasons Your Unemployment Claim is Stuck, On Hold, Suspended or Still Pending (Even After End of PUA, PEUC and $300 FPUC Programs) | $aving to Invest Top Reasons Your Unemployment Claim is Stuck, On Hold, Suspended or Still Pending (Even After End of PUA, PEUC and $300 FPUC Programs) See 93 comments Updated: Sep 27, 2021 PENDINGGGGGGG (PENNSYVANIA). Upload your weather photos on the ABC10 app. I hate to admit it but Im getting there.ive been working construction for over 30 years and never collected. Note:Beginning July 23, 2021, if you have received at least one payment on your claim and have aPendingstatus on your certifications for more than two weeks, we will process conditional payments while we determine eligibility. Gave um all the info & still waiting, calln 3 times a week. Just be very careful as there are a lot of scammers or malicious actors out there trying to steal your money and never provide sensitive information (SSN, address, phone numbers) to an unofficial or non-verified source. About 69,000 more joined that total last week. Didnt get first payment until first week of June to this day they owe me backpayments. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Saving to Invest. An overpayment is when you receive benefits you are not eligible for. Whoopee do. My PUA account has been pending adjudication since 7/15/20, i have talked many times on the phone with them being "clueless" and as "starstruck" as me that my account is still pending and not getting payments. Hi Ariell. Your unemployment check may be pending or delayed for a number of reasons, from failure to comply with work search requirements to receiving additional income. Hahahahaha. Please I need helpi havent received 5 weeks of check dont know how to go about it no nothing about computers I did speak to a girl 3 weeks ago she gave me a ID# and said some one will get in touch in 10 days no one called cant get through what can I do Im 88 yrs old in good shape still want to work. i been home with my kids taking care of them. My names Dave. My local DOL informed me they cannot help me with my benefits, they only call me to confirm that I am actively looking for work to ensure I receive my benefits. I provided other emails I have used over the years and none of those matched the email he had on record. I had only the clothes on my back after losing everything then. Ughhhh. Pending Claim Status If you have a Pending status for any weeks on your UI Online Claim History, we may need to confirm your identity or eligibility before we can process payment. Give that a try and see how that works out for you. Here is the EDDs advice for those two questions. The state had 135 pending claims from April, the month when my job was eliminated during broad newsroom cuts at The Plain Dealer. Unfortunately it was from the DOL for PA!! This caused several weeks of delays for many claimants and per the above point if they ignored or missed the official requests for taking required validation actions they saw their claim get stuck. To speed up the determination process, we may send you the Request for Eligibility Information (DE 4365FF) instead of scheduling a phone interview. 34. Have not been scheduled for a phone interview. Hi there! ENSURING THEY KEEP THEIR JOBS ALLOWING THE BACKLOG TO STAY OFF THE CHARTS. Employees in Ohio do not pay into the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. . An EDD representative will call you at the scheduled time. Mine has been pending since July 2021, 15 weeks payment on hold. KARMA IS A *&^%$. We are on our own out here folks. If your reason for "stuck in pending" is related to the way you answered the certification questions, you will need an eligibility interview with the EDD to clear the stop payment. If you answer Yes, you may be scheduled for an eligibility interview to get more information, which could delay your payment. LAST YEAR, I WENT 5 MONTHS WITH NO $ AND 100S OF LETTERS TO THE GOVERNOR, 50 STATES CONGRESSIONAL REPS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING US BC TIFFANY ROBINSON @ MDOL DOES THINGS SLOPPILY. when I call to get answers as to why I have not received payments for the last 2 weeks, Im told my unemployment is being reviewed or processed but yet still no payment..have I done something wrong as I had to change my portal in between getting the notice and not being paid! I do know some people have contacted the media (real and social) or used alternative approaches to get attention for their pending claim, but it will be hard to get a specific resolution to your case via these means as a lot of times the reason for the claim suspension is specific to the claimant. Nothing, apparently. Users who dont have the proper equipment should call CDLEs customer service line at 303-536-5615. Who has his own Twitter account, ignored the 50+ tweets and DMs. Yep 10 weeks for me and no answers! Same. Some states like Florida and Texas are more thorough than others and have a higher bar and enforcement of work search requirements. I even emailed the state rep and she pretty much told to go out and job its not that easy when you cant even think straight. Im working my tail off looking for a new job and receiving nothing to assist me until I do. If you answer Yes, you may be scheduled for an eligibility interview to get more information, which could delay your payment. I put in another ticket and was emailed back weeks later and the UC rep. It has been two months since I received any benefits. EBT has increased by 15% until September 6, 2021, so you should get the highest amount of EBT in your state. I have contacted the DOL deputy secretary, secretary, and the governor. Dont give a hoot about nothing but theyre pockets. I have sent in ids like requested and still nothing. Neither. It was March 15 when Emily West lost her waitressing job in Akron, Ohio, and applied for unemployment insurance.Two months later, instead of government assistance, she only has credit card debt. All states, including those who announced an early end to one of more of the pandemic unemployment programs, are no longer paying benefit weeks after September 6th. They wont let me touch it until its reviewed! If you are stuck on 'pending' with the EDD and can't get your unemployment benefits in California, YouTuber Ginny Silver shares some advice. The email mentioned nothing at all about my PEUC claim or the 7 weeks Im owed. Which I feel, should be FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Have worked in the Medical field for Assisted Living for over 7 1/2 years, loved every minute of it! A recent example was in California where many claimants ignored messages or stop payment alerts from the the EDD, which caused their claim to go on-hold and miss several weeks of payments. I hope everything works in your favor. The problem arises when people reach the end of their benefit year, but do not know about it. I was in the unfortunate 200k people in the state of Ohio whos accounts were locked for the bank they were using. Answer No if you were ready and willing to accept work in your field that matches your job skills and background, even if your past employer is now closed. I lost my job as a result of reduction in workforce. Mine is 430 in Alabama and on the 1st you get an additional $94 every month on top of what you get the same day every month. They are playing games. I called and called and no one could tell me anything. GIVE IT UP. EBT should not have stopped. If you reapplied for a new claim, visitBenefit Year Endfor more information. However we had to open up a claim then did ID.ME received the paperwork given us the Green light to start claiming benefits!! If so, you will receive more information. Nope! I seriously have no clue how to receive what Im supposedly still owed for the months of November and December of 2021. But THEY dont seem to understand, THE BILLS I PAY FOR LIFES Necessities will not be patient and will not wait! If you received at least one payment on your claim, but your payments have been pending for more than two weeks because of an eligibility issue, we will process a conditional payment as we continue reviewing the issue. Ive tried everything everyone else has tried. If you live in Ohio and have lost your job, you may be able to get cash assistance through Ohio's unemployment program. If you are waiting for your benefit payments for weeks covered after September 6th, even if you have a balance or weeks remaining, you wont be getting these since the federal funding provisions are no longer available. It wasnt until I found the drop box at my local office that things started moving for me. I have been waiting since Febrtamiuary 16, Ive been in kwese since last September, Ive written hand written letters, email ed them called beyond belief. It makes me mad that those on public assistance get everything handed to them and dont have to do a thing, but because I lost my job and some idiot decided to try to file a claim in MY name, Im being punished! The best advice at this point, if your claim is eligible, is to stay persistent and patient. I lost my job at the end of February I applied and my acct has been loved ever since. But no such luck. 5 months and no payments. Well the PUA started with me filing and ended Sept. 4th. If you continue to certify for benefits while we review, you may have to pay back any conditional payments you received if we later find you ineligible. If there is an issue and we cant determine your eligibility based on the information you provided, we will schedule a phone interview with you or mail you a Request for Eligibility Information (DE 4365FF). Once the agency accepts and reviews the documentation, they will follow up for more information or restart the claim, including any retroactive payments. Now, it is saying last paid week 4/17/21 next payable week 4/17/21. For comparison, that's nearly the size of . Include copies of ALL documentation you have that could help your claim. If your claim shows as "pending," this means we are still processing it, and there is nothing more I know God will answer our prayers. First and now fact finding, which Ive been there since May. Check any correspondence you may have received from your state UI agency or go to their website and look for their new/reintroduced work search requirements. Why does my unemployment say pending $0, Why is my unemployment payment still pending, Your identity must be verified before you can make . Me email to verify my identity. Even the one I sent last week telling him Ill be homeless after TODAY! Trust me paid the price. Im on my second escalation, since June 12 here it is September 28 2021. I am absolutely fed up with this lack of competence displayed by my elected officials in Ohio. Hello Dave , its been 10 weeks for me! or just need enough people broke and frustrated on the streets to keep the flow of trouble happening. That sounds like my situation I havent received payments since May 17th and the escalation was sent on thr 25th. I cant even claim my weeks. No one should have to wait this long for help. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. I dont use the claimant options because they all are busy. Things like: As soon as you get someone on the phone, say "Please take down my number and call me back if we get disconnected." Try calling really early in the morning. People who forget to action official unemployment agency requests or alerts, Waiting on identity verification approvals, End of Pandemic Unemployment Benefits and $300 payment. SURE PELOSI U WANT TO DEFUND THE POLICE, YET PAY 6 FIGURES PLUS A YEAR FOR SECURITY. Ummm, this letter is not proof, because I have not received one penny! KEEP THEM STEADILY EMPLOYED AND HIGH BAKLOGS BC THEY ARE NOT GOING TO HELP YOU. I get immediately hung up. Most states and do provide step-by-step guide on how to deal with identity issues through their app, so review these and ensure you have followed all the verification steps. But who knows.. Second, if your claim is denied or your still pending, you should try to call at least a few times. Just curious. If they do reach out directly, it takes them quite some time for them to reach out.. I have repeatedly call to discuss my unemployment in Alabama. Ive been stuck on the same screen for weeks asking support for help and they can never give me answers to my questions. Ohio has the worst unemployment system and keeps people waiting until they are desperate so they take just any job. Or should I count my losses? Im literally about to loose my mind, Saving are gone and summer its here with 3 children its hard to keep food on the table and a roof on our head. If we need to confirm your eligibility for unemployment, we may schedule a phone interview with you. The first thing was it said he was on leave of absence. I believe I speak for a lot of other NJ natives when I say NEW JERSEY IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE WORST PLACE TO START A LIFE. Problem is Ive already done that. I was told escalation takes up to 8 weeks, its now June 30th and nothing has changed on my status. For more information, visitOverpayments and Penalties. I have thought of ending my life over this because I cant pay my bills and so stressed out. I been unemployed since this covid crap started(April 20th). So yea Id gladly reach out to a state representative!! Have one of the three most common eligibility issues related to wage information or related to the reason you are no longer working for your employer. this form, respond to the questions immediately. Whats next welfare till he gets hired? Get the latest money, tax and stimulus news directly in your inbox. Why does my unemployment say pending $0? Her & Senator Ben Lujan have ignored all my pleas for help on this horrific issue hurting 100s of suffering New Mexicans daily. If we confirm your eligibility, we will send you anAdditional Instructions(DE 238) which will inform you what weeks were found to be eligible for benefits. The agent on the phone now tells me my claim has to be escalated AGAIN. Most states are reinstituting work search requirements which means claimants will need to show evidence for 2 to 5 job searches/contacts (requirements varies by state). Why is he still pending. Its definitely a failed system! I been put on Hold for 4 weeks on MD and They said i had a job. And I cant do anything about it, I havent received my benefits for 6 weeks and Im facing eviction. Trying to beat higher prices for a odd jobs even by the health emergency In place all Im saying the constitution and laws have provisions.. Shouldnt we be able to report our state agencys for fraud instead of them routinely reporting us!!!. I have certified for weeks thus far and nothing. For one thing, NEVER EVER EVER send an email and expect to get help. Had money taken out of my check every week for unemployment! You have to send , information to them digital, not fax! To see if you are eligible, apply at or call (877) 644-6562. No live agent picks up. But all my vouchers, etcsay no issues. Why cant they just take the yellow box that reads attention: something is wrong with your account OFF. Visitors should not act upon the content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice or the official source of information. Hes applied to several jobs which he wasnt hired! You will receive conditional payment and later be found ineligible for those benefits. Also, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT TRY FAXING AS AN ALTERNATIVE. Depending on the reason for the delay, there may be steps you can take to resolve the matter and get your payments back on track. You might have been if you filed weekly claims for unemployment benefits because of COVID-19 at any time from July 26 through September 5, 2020. You Got that Right Payment stopped in November 2020 I couldnt find out what the problem was til May 2021 documents were submitted per their request & here we are 2022 & nothing just being told its waiting on a deputy Commissioner smh. This is not the way I thought my life would end! The end of the benefit year can be confusing. If you need to reschedule your interview, use UI Online orcontact us. I havent got paid since April 17th, 2021. MORE LIES. Because the reintroduction of work search requirements is being done differently on a state-by-state basis, many claimants are seeing their benefit payment suddenly stop and/or face challenges in certifying. in the PUA program) but have not carefully read the eligibility criteria and when they apply or asked to reapply for an extension their claim gets denied. Im going to try and do the drop box here in Columbus Ohio. DMOCRATS WANT US GVNMT DEPENDANT AND IT IS SICK DISGUSTING. Join the ABC10 Weather Force! Specifics will vary state by state, so always check your state's rules regarding appealing. New claimants in 2021 had to provide this documentation within 21 days or their claim would have been suspended. Will Federal Unemployment be Extended in 2022? Im having the same problem but I got verified Tuesday how long did it take you to get your benefits back that stop mine 2 weeks so far. Since the beginning of the year, the EDD has asked hundreds of thousands of people to verify or re-verify their identities. The website keeps telling me my weekly claim has already been filed when it hasnt. The highest amount of ebt in your inbox to start claiming benefits! one thing, never EVER EVER an... Me that taking my is not worth she likes to throw digs out shes. % until September 6, 2021, 15 weeks payment on hold knowing Im. Use UI Online claim Status Tracker for updates and possible next steps will receive conditional payment and be. Peuc claim or the 7 weeks Im owed the EDD has asked hundreds thousands! Begin to receive my payments on a regular basis June to this day they owe me backpayments that out!, called and called and no one should have to send, information them... 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why is my unemployment claim still pending ohio